Why Bloating Occurs?


Have you ever looked at your waistband, confused by a button—that was so readily clasped just a day earlier—now refusing to fit?

You can’t gain that much that fast, what's the issue? Well, bloating might be the culprit.

There can be many reasons bloating occurs, but whatever the cause, it can certainly put a damper on your day.

So, in this blog, we'll explore some answers as to why bloating occurs, as well as ways to remedy this nuisance.

But first, let's start with defining what it really is.

What Is Bloating?


Bloating is a typical digestive problem that many of us have had at some point in our lives.

It's the unpleasant feeling of having a full or tight stomach, which is frequently accompanied by gas or abdominal pain. The feeling might range from mildly unpleasant to excruciatingly painful.

Even though it usually goes away after a while, it might be a recurring issue for many people, so it is crucial to seek appropriate help and make lifestyle changes accordingly.

Symptoms Of Bloating


Bloating can create a variety of physical and mental symptoms, making you feel uneasy and self-conscious. Here are a couple of common bloating symptoms that you may recognize:

  • Abdominal Distension And Rumbling


This is the feeling that your stomach is large or full. You may appear to have gained weight even if you haven't. 

Apart from that, you might notice a lot of stomach growling. Now, this can be a sign of digestive activity, but if it is accompanied by bloating, discomfort, or pain, it could indicate a digestive issue.

  • Pain In The Abdomen


Bloating can cause you to produce more gas than usual, which can result in belching and flatulence.

This can lead to discomfort or soreness in your abdomen, which usually goes away upon passing gas or having a bowel movement.

  • Fullness


Another symptom of bloating is when you feel as though your stomach is overflowing, even if you haven't eaten much. Such a bummer, isn’t it?

  • Nausea


Lastly, bloating can also cause feelings of nausea or an upset stomach.

This may be accompanied by a loss of appetite, dizziness, or vomiting. If bloating is causing severe nausea or vomiting, you should seek medical attention.

Now that you know how to recognize bloating, let’s get into why it happens in the first place so that you can take preventative measures.

1.  You're Not Getting Enough Fiber


This is probably one of the most common reasons for the majority of gastrointestinal woes.

Many people struggle to maintain adequate fiber levels in their diets, which can lead to discomfort.

As a rule of thumb, you should strive for 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories taken each day. However, most people fall far short of these recommendations.

So, what can you do to enhance your fiber intake? Fortunately, there are at-home adjustments you can make, including:

o   Changing Your Diet


Start eating whole grains, legumes, skin-on fruits and vegetables, and nuts. Drink plenty of water or clear liquids, such as broth, while increasing your fiber intake. This will soften the foods you eat, allowing you to pass your stool more easily.

Other than that, you may even have food tolerances, e.g., gluten or lactose.

If you notice that specific foods make you feel bloated, try avoiding them or eating them in lesser amounts. Keeping a meal journal might also help you determine which foods trigger bloating.

o   Trying Supplements


You can also grab some over-the-counter stool softeners or fiber-rich supplements like Keto Box the next time you go food shopping.

The Keto Box stack is specifically designed to help you jumpstart your metabolism and has many healthy ingredients, including Cascara Sagrada and Dandelion, that can stimulate the bowel and help with digestion.

Just follow the label's directions and, once again, drink plenty of water to help flush your system.



2.  You’re Eating Too Fast


Eating too quickly can cause you to swallow air along with your food, which can lead to bloating. Yes, that's right.

The extra air becomes trapped in your digestive system and can cause bloating and discomfort.

To avoid this, take a few deep breaths before you begin eating.

It will reduce your stress reaction and send signals to your stomach and other digestive organs to generate stomach acid and enzymes that will help with digestion. The better your digestion, the less bloating you'll experience.

Secondly, take your time when eating and chew your food thoroughly. Before swallowing, make sure to chew each bite until it is liquid while also inhaling gently through your nose.

3.  Your Sugar Intake Is Too High


Some people may have difficulties digesting certain foods, which can cause bloating.

These may include foods high in sugar or carbohydrates, such as beans, onions, cabbage, and carbonated drinks.

For starters, you should start looking for low-sugar alternatives in your diet, for example, switching to a collagen creamer in your coffee or tea instead of its sugary counterparts.

In fact, you can even switch up your caffeine intake altogether by looking for supplements with natural tea and caffeine extracts that promote blood sugar regulation such as the Keto Box.


4.  Digestive Issues


Certain digestive conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), can cause bloating.

IBS is a common condition that affects the large intestine and can cause abdominal discomfort, bloating, and changes in bowel habits.

Other digestive issues, such as constipation or gastroparesis, can also cause bloating.

If you suspect a digestive issue, start making at-home adjustments, including exercise and dietary modifications. You can try taking supplements rich in Gentiana Lutea, like the Keto Box, which can help with your digestive issues like abdominal fullness and distension.

However, if you can't resolve the issue on your own, it's important to talk to your doctor to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

5.  Hormonal Changes


Bloating can also be caused by hormonal changes, such as during menstruation.

This happens mainly because hormonal fluctuations can alter how your body processes food, resulting in digestive issues.

If you suspect your bloating is tied to your menstrual cycle, track your symptoms and make appropriate dietary and lifestyle modifications.

Also, try to reduce your sodium intake and increase the amount of water you drink, as it will help rid your system of excess salt, which is the main culprit of menstrual bloating.



We all know that even though it's pretty common and usually temporary, a bloated stomach is certainly not a pleasant feeling.

Therefore, focusing a little more attention on the root cause might be totally worth it.

Try keeping a journal and tracking your symptoms and any triggers. Manage your hormones, stress, and diet as well.

Also, look for healthier, fiber-packed, and low-carb alternatives in your diet.

In case you’re looking for a one-stop shop for such alternatives, do check out Ketao—a source of keto-friendly products that will keep your bloating at bay and surely keep you healthy and happy.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


  1. Can stress cause bloating?


Yes. Stress can delay digestion in some people, causing bloating, discomfort, and constipation.

  1. Is drinking water good for bloating?


Yes. When your body receives the hydration it needs, it eventually releases excess fluids, reducing bloating.

  1. Does bloating cause weight gain?


Bloating may add a pound or two on occasion, but it does not necessarily indicate weight gain.

However, for your satisfaction, you can try low-carb desserts like Keto Custard to curb cravings while keeping your weight on track.

  1. How long does bloating usually last?


Bloating usually goes away within 24 hours, but (as mentioned above) there are some short and long-term ways to speed up the process and prevent it from happening in the first place.